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LIFETAG is 7/16" wide and 7/16" long and it sticks on your watch band, clasp, bracelet, pendant, driver's license, insurance card, wallet, pager or cell phone. On your watch clasp a medic will see it immediately while searching for a pulse or a place to begin an IV.

Printed on brass with an adhesive backing. Included with order is a tube of extra strength adhesive. Photo enlarged to show detail

LIFETAG Products include medical IDs for the following conditions: Allergic, Alert, Asthma, Alzheimers, Coumadin, Diabetes, Dialysis, Do Not Resuscitate, Emphysema, Epilepsy, Food Allergy, Heart, Hemophiliac, Hypertension, Insulin Pump, Latex Allergy, Left Lymphedema, L/R Lymphedema, Medication, No MRI, Organ Donor, Pacemaker, Peanut Allergy, Penicillin Allergy, Right Lymphedema, Seizures and Transplant.

This order entitles you to receive a LIFETAG Medical ID Key Chain at a special price of $16.95! Click "order" and then on the following page, click the link called LIFETAG Special offer under "Related Links" to order your LIFETAG Medical ID Key Chain at your special price!

5 LIFETAG Medical ID's 372464$32.95Conditions: 

Telephone          1-888-LIFETAG

Postal address 5857 N. Mesa Ste. 19, El Paso TX 79912

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